Friday 4 September 2015

Fried rice step by step

Fried Rice

Serves 4


2 tablespoons minced ginger
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes

1 cup diced carrots
1 cup fresh or frozen corn kernels, defrosted
1/2 cup fresh or frozen peas, defrosted
1/2 cup chopped scallions

For the rice
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
4 cups cold cooked rice

1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper
2 tablespoons soy sauce

1 large egg, beaten
1/4 cup toasted pine nuts, almonds, peanuts, or cashews
2 tablespoons minced cilantro (optional)


A 14-inch flat-bottom carbon steel wok
A fish spatula or other thin, flexible spatula for stir frying

1. Cut Up the Ingredients: The most important key to making a good stir-fry is cutting each ingredient to a uniform size as specified above. Cut the aromatics as directed and set them aside in a bowl. Finely slice, then mince, the ginger. Don't grate it on a grater. Cut the vegetables and set them aside as well.

Optional Step - Egg Pancake: There are several ways of adding egg to your finished fried rice. You can simply cook in the beaten egg at the end of cooking, or you can make an egg pancake. To do this, heat the wok and add 1 teaspoon of oil. Swirl in the oil to coat the bottom of the wok. Add a beaten egg and tilt the wok so that the egg covers the surface like a crepe. Cook the pancake about 30 seconds to a minute until it's just set. Use a metal spatula and flip the pancake and cook for 5 seconds or until set. Cut into small strips and add to fried rice near the end of cooking.

2. Prepare Your Wok Space: Set the bowls of vegetables, aromatics, rice, and soy sauce near your stove. Also, have a very small bowl of water next to the stove.

3. Heat the Wok: Turn on a stove burner, as high as it will go. Set a 14-inch wok over this high heat burner. To determine when the wok is hot enough, start flicking droplets of water from the small bowl into the pan after 30 seconds. As soon as a bead of water evaporates within 1 to 2 seconds of contact, the wok is heated and ready for stir-frying. Do not overheat the wok.

4. Pull Wok off the Heat and Add Oil, Then Stir-Fry Aromatics: Pull the wok off the heat and add 1 tablespoon of oil. Pick up the pan and carefully swirl it to coat the bottom and sides. (If the wok smokes wildly the moment you add the oil you've overheated the wok. Remove the wok from the heat and let it cool for a few minutes. When it's cool enough to handle carefully remove the oil with paper towels, wash the wok, and start again.)

With the wok back over the heat, add the ginger and red pepper flakes and stir fry for 10 seconds or until fragrant.

5. Add the Carrots and Stir-Fry: Add the carrots and stir fry for 30 seconds, or until the carrots are bright orange.

6. Add the Corn and Peas and Stir-Fry: Add the corn and peas and stir fry for 1 minute.

7. Add 1 More Tablespoon Oil: Swirl the remaining tablespoon of oil into the wok.

8. Add the Rice and Scallions and Stir-Fry for 2 Minutes: Add the rice and scallions stir-fry for 2 minutes, breaking up the rice with the spatula until it is heated through.

9. Season the Rice: Season the rice with the salt and white pepper.

10. Add the Sauce: Pour the soy sauce around the edges of the wok and stir-fry.

11. Finish the Rice: Add the chopped egg pancake and pine nuts. Toss to combine. Alternatively, you can stir in 1 beaten egg. Stir-fry until the egg is no longer wet. Stir in the cilantro.

Additional Notes:

• Stir-Fried Rice in a 12-inch Skillet: If you are cooking in a 12-inch stainless steel skillet, halve the recipe to prevent rice from falling out of the pan

• Using Fresh Rice: This recipe is best with day-old rice. But if the craving hits and you don't have any prepared rice, you can make fresh rice, spread it out on a sheet pan, and refrigerate to cool.

• Substituting Other Vegetables: Substitute up to 2 1/2 cups of vegetables in place of the carrots, frozen corn, and frozen peas. Leftover meat (shredded or diced small) can also be added.
Enjoy yourself  @chefkitchenco


This is a Spanish menu-its all about rice and seafoods


1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
1 red and 1 yellow pepper, de-seeded and sliced
2 garlic cloves, sliced
250g paella rice
850ml  vegetable stock
400g seafood mix (2-3 kind of sea foods)
small handful flat-leaf parsley, roughly chopped


Heat the oil in a large saucepan and soften the onion for 6-7 mins. Add the pepper and garlic, cook for 2 mins more, then stir in the paella rice and cook for 1 min, stirring to coat.
Pour in the stock, add the seasonings and bring to the boil. Cook, uncovered, at a gentle bubble, for 20 mins, stirring occasionally until the rice is tender.
Stir in the seafood and cook for 2 mins or until piping hot and completely cooked through. Serve in warm bowls
scattered with the parsley.

Wednesday 2 September 2015



1kg Fresh fish
2kg Fresh Nigerian tiger prawns
500g Dried fish or smoked fish (or both)
500g Stockfish (optional)
1 cup Crayfish
1/2 kg Fresh spinach or pumpkin leaves (ugwu)
100g Fresh basil leaves
2 Medium onions
1 cooking spoon of Palm oil
Salt to taste.


Chop the onions into large chunks, chop the peppers and fresh basil
Add in the fresh fish, tiger prawns, boiled dry fish, along with the chopped onions and peppers and dried crayfish and allow to cook for 5 minutes
Add in the Okro and using a folding action mix these in gently with the rest of the ingredients. Cook the soup for another 5-7 minutes until the Okro is al dente
Pour in the palm oil and cook for another 5 minutes
Wash and chop the fresh spinach or pumpkin leaves and add these to the soup and allow to cook for another 5-7 minutes
Remove from the heat and serve the soup while hot. An accompanying starch (Garri, our pounded yam is optional)



400g Beans
2 bulbs, medium sized Onions
Chilli Pepper to taste
2 Seasoning cubes
1 cup Stock (optional)
1 cup Palm Oil -
1/2 cup Crayfish (optional)
Salt to Taste
Having issues with measurements and conversions? Click Here.

Wash the beans properly and cook with all the onions for about 45mins
It should start getting soft by now 
Add the chilli pepper, seasoning cubes, stock, crayfish and palm oil
Allow to cook for another 5mins
Stir properly if the beans is soft and add salt to taste
Serve as desire


Ingredients for Ora (Oha) Soup

Vegetable: Ora leaves
8 small corms cocoyam
3 cooking spoons Red Palm Oil
Assorted Beef: Includes best cut, shaki (cow tripe)
Assorted Fish: Dry Fish and Stock Fish
Chilli pepper, salt and crayfish (to taste)
2 Stock cubes
1 teaspoon Ogiri Igbo
Notes about the ingredients:

Ora (Oha) is a unique vegetable hence does not have a good alternative.
If you cannot buy cocoyam corms where you live, you can use cocoyam flour. An alternative to cocoyam flour is potato flour. See how to prepare the cocoyam flour or potato flour before adding it to your soup at: How to Cook Nigerian Soups with Flour as Thickener.
Ogiri Igbo is optional, it gives Ora Soup a traditional taste.

Before you cook the Nigerian Ora Soup

Grind the crayfish and pepper and set aside.
Wash and boil the cocoyam corms till soft. Remove the peels and use a mortar and pestle to pound the corms to a smooth paste.
Using your fingers, cut the Ora (Oha) leaves into tiny pieces. This technique is to prevent the vegetable from becoming darker in colour. This happens when you cut the ora leaves with a knife.

Cooking Directions

Boil the shaki (cow tripe), stock fish and dry fish in 1 litre of water till they are well done. First sign of a done shaki is that the cuts will start curling on itself.
Wash the beef and add to the pot of shaki etc. and continue cooking. When the meat is done, add 2 stock cubes and cook for 5 minutes.
Add the pepper, ogiri Igbo and ground crayfish and cook for 10 minutes. Add the cocoyam paste in small lumps and then the palm oil.
Cover the pot and leave to cook on high heat till all the cocoyam lumps have dissolved. You can add more water if you feel that the soup is too thick.
Add the ora (oha) leaves and leave to cook for about 5 minutes.
Add salt to taste, stir and the soup is ready!




Red Palm Oil
Fish (preferably Mackerel)
Ground crayfish
Salt to taste
Vegetable: Nigerian pumpkin leaves or Spinach (Washed & Frozen)
1 stock cube (Optional)

Before you cook Kiddies Okra Soup

Cut the okra fingers into tiny pieces. Grind the crayfish. Wash the pumpkin leaves, if it is your choice of vegetable, and cut into tiny pieces. If you will use spinach, defrost and cut into tiny pieces.

Wash, cut and boil the iced fish. Leave to cool and debone.

Cooking Directions

Pour red palm oil in a clean dry pot and heat to dissolve the oil if it is congealed. Add the diced okra and start frying on medium heat, add some fish stock (or water) from time to time till you notice the okra start to draw. This process should take a maximum of 5 minutes to avoid over-cooking the okra.
Now add the ground crayfish, the remaining fish stock, pumpkin leaves, a pinch of salt and the fish and stir well.
Cover the cooking pot and leave to simmer for 5 minutes.
The soup is ready to be served with mashed potatoes, Semolina or Pounded Yam.


Ingredients for Edikang Ikong Soup

1kg Pumpkin leaves
500g Water leaves (Talinum Triangulare)
600g Beef, Kanda, shaki and Dry fish
Pepper, Salt and ground crayfish: to taste
200ml Palm oil
1 cup Periwinkle
2 medium onions
2-3 stock cubes
Alternative vegetables for those who cannot buy water leaves and pumpkin leaves:

Use the following to replace the classic Nigerian vegetables for this soup:

1kg normal frozen spinach
200g ground frozen spinach
250g lamb's lettuce (canonigos in Spanish)
Defrost the frozen spinach, cut the normal frozen one into tiny pieces and mix with the ground frozen spinach. Wring out the water from these and add them when the written recipe requires you to add the pumpkin leaves.

Wash, pick and cut the Lamb's Lettuce into tiny pieces. Add them when the written recipe requires you to add water leaves.

Before you cook the Edikaikong Soup

Wash and cut the pumpkin and water leaves into tiny pieces. Put them in separate sieves to drain out all the water as much as possible.
Cut the Kanda into small pieces. Cook the beef, kanda and the dry fish with the 2 bulbs of diced onions and the stock cubes with as little quantity of water as possible.

Cooking Directions

When the meat is done, add a generous amount of palm oil, the crayfish and pepper and leave to boil for about 10 minutes. The palm oil serves as the liquid in the Edikang Ikong soup. You should try as much as possible to make it the only liquid in the soup.
Add the periwinkle and water leaves and leave to cook for another 5 minutes. You may have to cook for less time at this stage so that the water leaves are not over-cooked.
Now add the pumpkin leaves and salt to taste. Stir the contents of the pot very well and turn off the heat. Cover the pot and leave to stand for about 5 minutes.
Thats it!


Ingredients for Afang Soup

400g sliced Okazi/Afang leaves | about 4 handfuls
250g Water leaves
20 to 25 cl red palm oil (about 1 drink glass)
Beef, Kanda and Dry fish
2 tablespoons ground crayfish
Pepper and salt (to taste)
2 stock cubes
Notes about the ingredients

Great alternative to water leaves is Lamb's Lettuce, known as Canonigos in Spanish.
Yes, you need that much palm oil. :)
Before you cook the Nigerian Afang Soup

Wash, drain and slice the water leaves into tiny pieces. Grind or pound the sliced Okazi leaves. In Nigerian markets, the sellers of these sliced Okazi leaves have a machine for grinding it. You can also grind it with your blender with a small quantity of water. Take a look at the ground Okazi leaves.
Grind your pepper and crayfish and cut the onions into tiny pieces.
Cooking Directions

Boil the beef and Kanda with the diced onions and stock cubes in a very small quantity of water. When done, add the dry fish and cook for about 5 more minutes.
Now add the palm oil, crayfish and pepper. Once it starts boiling, add the afang (okazi) leaves, water leaves and periwinkle. When the okazi leaves have softened and the water has dried up a bit, add salt to taste and leave to simmer for about 5 minutes. The Afang soup is ready!



1 kg (2.2 lbs) white puna yam
Red palm Oil (to colour)
1 smoked fish (mackerel)
1 tablespoon ground crayfish
1 medium onion
Fresh green vegetable (eg pumpkin, parsley, scent leaf or green amaranth)
Habanero or Chilli Pepper & Salt (to taste)
2 big stock cubes
Notes about the ingredients

Add enough red palm oil to make the meal colourful.
You can use dry fish instead of smoked fish.

Before you cook Yam Porridge

Peel and cut the yam tuber into medium sizes. Wash the yam cubes and place in a sizeable pot.
Wash and cut the onions into tiny pieces. Grind or blend the chilli pepper. Set these aside.
If using dry fish, soak and pick the bones.

Cooking Directions

Pour enough water to cover the yam cubes and start cooking at medium to high heat. If you are using dry fish, add it now.
When the yams have got a good boil, add the onions, ground crayfish, pepper, stock cubes, palm oil and the smoked fish.
Cover the pot and continue cooking till the yam is done.
Add salt to taste and stir very well. Cook at high heat for about 5 minutes.
Add the green vegetable, stir and leave to stand for about 5 minutes then serve.



4 tablespoons  vegetable oil (divided)
2 cubes maggi
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon curry powder (divided)
1 teaspoon thyme powder (divided)
2 cups mixed vegetables (Carrot, peas, cabbage, sweetcorn)
¼ cup chopped spring onion (optional)
1 ½ cups precooked shrimps or chicken (optional)
½ teaspoons crushed red pepper
3 cups basmati rice (washed) (Preferably extra fancy long grain )

Place a large pot (with a good fitting lid) on medium heat; add 1 part each of oil, curry, thyme, 1 cube maggi, and 1 teaspoon of salt. Stir.
Add in 3 cups water. Cover the pot, increase heat to high and bring the mixture to a boil.
Reduce the heat to minimum (the lowest setting on your cooker), add in the rice and stir. Cover the pot tightly (I cover my pot with foil paper usually and then add on the lid) leave the rice to cook for 25 minutes. Set aside to cool
Place another large pot on medium heat, add in the left over oil and heat slightly.  Add all left over ingredients and cook for 2 minutes.
Add in the precooked rice, meat (if using) and 3 tablespoons water, combine. Taste and adjust for seasoning as needed.  Simmer for another 3 minutes
Serve and Enjoy!

Jellof fiesta

1 chicken, boiled
1 medium onion sliced
2 green bell peppers, chopped
1 pound shrimp
3/4 cup carrots chopped
3/4 cup peas
2 large tomatoes, sliced
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
4 cups rice
1/4 tomato paste
corn oil

Use some of the chicken stock you used in boiling the chicken.

One could add any other spices needed depending on the individual. Use a large pot cast iron skillet to discourage burning. Stirring often is the key to success with this dish. Use a large wooden spoon and cover the pot tightly.

Skin, debone the chicken and chop into pieces. In a large pot, large enough to hold everything, brown the chicken in oil. Add onions and peppers. Cook over medium heat for 5 to 10 minutes.

In a separate skillet, saute the shrimp in a small amount of butter and precook the carrots, and peas (or other vegetable of your choice) until they are about half done (5 minutes). Drain the vegetables and add to the chicken pot along with the shrimp, tomatoes, salt, pepper. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 5 minutes.

Pre-boil your rice for 10 minutes and after that combine the rice with the tomato paste, which should coat the rice grains without drowning them. Stir the coated rice to the pot and continue to simmer, adding water sparingly, as needed to avoid burning. When the rice and the vegetables are tender, the jollof rice is ready.


Peppered Snail recipe

Prep time:  10 minutes
Cook time: 18 minutes
Total time:  28 minutes

Meal type:  Side Dish, Appetizer


• ¼ cup Vegetable oil for frying
• 1 medium sized Red Onion, Sliced in rings
• ½ Seasoning cube, Crushed
• Salt to taste
• 2 tbsp. Tomapep puree or pepper puree (Use either of the two)
• 20 Small Snails (Cleaned and washed with Alum Or Lime)

Step 1: Wash and place the snails in a medium sized pot. Add ½ tsp. salt with 1 cup of water and steam on medium heat for 10mins. Drain the water and set aside

Step 2: In a frying pan, heat the vegetable oil till hot. Add the Red onions and stir-fry for 1 minute.

Step 3: Add the “Tomapep” or Pepper puree, Crushed seasoning, Pinch of salt and Stir-fry for 2 mins.

Step 4: Add the snails and stir to incorporate. Leave to simmer for 5 mins

Turn off the burner and garnish with green and red bell pepper. Serve Hot.


Gizdo – Gizzard and Dodo

1 ripe Plantain
1/2 a pound of Gizzard
2 Scotch Bonnet Pepper ( Ata Rodo)
1/2  cube of Maggi
1 Medium sized Tomato
1/2 cooking spoon vegetable oil
1/2  clove of garlic
1 small bulb of onion
1/2  red bell pepper
1.5 teaspoon of salt
1 cup of water
2 spoons of vegetable oil – for frying

Wash the gizzard and season with 1 teaspoon of salt, one large scotch bonnet pepper, 1/2 the bulb of small onion and boil with 1 cup of water for 15 minutes on medium heat.
Peel and dice the ripe plantain, season with salt and fry.
Chop the rest of the onions, the tomato, the scotch bonnet pepper, red bell pepper and garlic

Chopped Tomatoes, peppers and onion

Heat up the vegetable oil and  fry the Chopped onions, the tomato, the scotch bonnet pepper, red bell pepper and garlic
Season with the rest of the salt maggi and stir in the gizzard.

Frying on Medium heat

Add the fried plantain and stir in and leave to simmer for 5 minutes.


Jollof Spaghetti Ingredients:

This recipe serves 2 to 3 persons

-  50 pieces spaghetti  (approx. 200 grams)
- 4 cooking-spoonful red stew(tomato stew,chicken stew or beef stew)
- 1 carrot
- 1 handful green beans
- 1 small Irish potato (optional)
- 2  runner beans (optional)
- 2 tablespoonful  Sweet Corn (optional)
- 1 onion (chopped)
- About 150ml Meat or Chicken stock(you can use water as a substitute)
- 1 tablespoonful ground crayfish(optional)
- 1 stock cube/seasoning cube
-  scotch bonnets peppers/atarodo (to taste)
-  salt to taste
- Water, as needed

You can also add chopped whole tomatoes, green bell pepper or any other easy-cook vegetables of choice

Cooking Directions for Jollof Spaghetti :

<<Before cooking Jollof Spaghetti >>

Wash and chop all the vegetables you'll be using.
 Then prepare your stew, if you don't already have some stew.
Here's how to prepare Tomato stew, Beef stew or Chicken stew

1. Put some water to boil , when it starts to bubble, add the spaghetti  and a little salt and parboil for 3 minutes. Then strain into a sieve.
This pre-cooking process  helps to get rid of the excess starch that comes with most spaghetti , but you can leave it out if your brand of spaghetti has a low starch content.

2. Place the prepared stew into a pot (If you like your jollof spaghetti really ''stewy'', you can set aside about a cooking-spoonful of the stew, for later use)
    Add the meat or chicken stock(or water) into the stew pot and leave to boil on high heat for 5 minutes.

 3.  Add the precooked spaghetti, the vegetables, the ground crayfish (this is optional), the stock cube , salt and pepper to taste... and any other seasoning you like to add and leave to boil for 5 minutes on medium heat.

4. When the liquid in the spaghetti is almost dried, add the remaining stew to the top, cover the pot and simmer  for 1 minute until the spaghetti is done.

    Now mix thoroughly and turn off the heat... and your Jollof Spaghetti is Ready.- naija nawa


Chips is usually referred to sliced potatoes that has either deep fried or baked until it is crunchy. However, for us in Nigeria we also have yam chips, plantain chips and sweet potato chips.

Serves 5

Cook Time 20 minutes Favourites


Sliced Potatoes, Yam, Slightly ripe Plantain or Sweet Potatoes
Salt to Taste
Vegetable Oil for deep frying



Sprinkle salt on the chips to your taste
Place the pot for deep frying on heat
Add the salted chips when the oil is hot and fry
Sieve out when it is slightly golden and serve


Ingredients for Ofada stew (Ayamase)

*7 Large Green bell peppers
*4 Green scotch bonnet peppers(atarodo)(It's okay if it has some red spots)
*500 grams Assorted meat (beef,kpomo, cow foot,tripe(shaki)... or as desired)
*Assorted dry Fish (stock fish or dried fish)(optional)
*1/4 cup Crayfish (about a handful)
*1 wrap OR 1 tablespoonful Iru/dawadawa OR ogiri
*3 large Onions
*2 Stock cube/seasoning cube
*Salt to taste
*600ml Palm oil
*4 Hard Boiled eggs(without shell)

Tip: in the absence of stockfish(dried codfish), you can make use of fresh cod fish.

Cooking Directions

* Grind the iru and the crayfish together and set aside

* If you're using stock fish and dried fish, wash and cook until tender, and set aside

* Wash and Cut the meat into bite sizes; season with onions, one stock cube and salt to taste. You can season the meat as you like :)
    Cook until tender. It is always better to cook the tougher meat first, which in  my case is the cow foot and the tripe(shaki). Then after 20 minutes ,add the beef and kpomo(cow skin).
    When the meat is done cooking, you can grill or fry or simply set aside for later use.
Tip: the natives fry the meat in palm oil or grill it on homemade grill.

Assorted meat&fish(I used fresh cod fish)
* Coarsely blend all the peppers &1 large onion together in a blender. You can add a LITTLE water to help move the blender blades.
    Pour the blended mixture into a dry pot and heat up to dry out excess liquid from the peppers.

 TIP: Another method is to pour the pepper mixture through a sieve(with a tight mesh), press down with a cooking spoon to make sure that you get out, as much liquid as possible, then set aside until needed.

* Now ,place the palm oil on heat ,add some onion rings(adding the onions is optional but it gives extra flavor).
       Cover the pot and bleach the palm oil on medium heat until  the onions are completely burnt black and the palm oil changes from red to light brown in color.
       If you didn't add onions, the color will be light yellow(just like the color of vegetable oil).
       Put off the heat, and let the oil cool completely without opening it. If you don't cover it, THE OIL WILL SMOKE A LOT AND WILL SMELL ALL OVER THE HOUSE, and might start off the smoke alarm(if you have one).

* Place the bleached oil back on the stove-top(remove the burnt onions) and heat up a little, then add chopped onions, and the dried out peppers .
     Cook for about 20 minutes and add the assorted meat and fish, ground iru,crayfish,the second stock cube and salt to taste. Mix thoroughly and simmer for 10 minutes.
      Then add the peeled hard boiled eggs.
 And your Ofada stew (Ayamase) is ready.  Serve with Ofada rice(or any rice of choice), boiled yams, potatoes or plantains.

Concussion Rice- yellow fever

Native Jollof Rice – Iwuk Edesi

Efik Recipes, Rice recipes

It taste is real native!


2 cups Rice

2 cooking spoons of Palm oil

1 medium sized Smoked Fish (optional)

1 cup Dried Shrimp (optional) / 1 tablespoon of crayfish powder

1 Medium bulb of Onions

2 medium tomatoes

1 red bell pepper

2 scotch bonnet peppers

1/2 small bunch of spinach

A handful of chopped scent leaves




Wash the rice and parboil. (This means boil for a short time and it shouldn’t be completely soft)

Blend your tomatoes and peppers and boil to remove excess water.

Chop your onions and vegetables and set aside.

Heat up the palm oil and fry the onions and blended pepper mix.

Season with salt and any seasoning of your choice. You could also use leftover stock to season it if you have.

Add your rice to the pot and stir. Reduce the burner to very low heat so the rice can cook properly. if you need to add a little water, you should but make sure it is very little so the rice isn’t soaking in water.

Wash the smoked fish and add to the pot of rice as it’s cooking along with the dried shrimps if you have or crayfish powder.

Once the rice is soft, increase the heat and add the chopped vegetables. Stir in and allow to simmer for one minute.

This dish is best served slightly warm not hot so the flavours really come out. Let me know if you try it out.



4 cups of rice
2 kg of Chicken (I just like to use chicken but you can use any kind of meat that suits you)
1 cup of crayfish (optional, I don’t use it)
1 to 1.2 liter of Ground Fresh tomatoes (your blender is calibrated, 1000ml = 1 liter)
40 to 100 ml Ground Fresh peppers
Spices (Curry, Thyme, Delice, Nutmeg, you can spice to your taste and desire)
2 cubes of knorr of maggi
2 Bulbs of onions
20 to 30 cl vegetable or groundnut oil
salt to taste.

Parboil the chicken (or any meat of your choice) with the spices listed above. I like to use lots of them so as to end up with a very tasty fried chicken, and then prepare the main food with the meat extract (meat water) with very little or no extra spice. Add water so that more than half of the entire chicken (or meat of choice) is submerged, then add sliced 1 bulb of onions, 3 cubes of maggi or knorr, one tea spoon of salt and maybe a little of curry, thyme and (or) spice of choice.

The good thing about Nigerian Jollof rice is that you can spice to your taste, one person might choose to make with chicken spices while another might decide to use curry and thyme or even just a seed of nutmeg and they will all end up with a delicious plate of rice.

Parboil the rice the normal way, boil about three cups of water in a pot, add the four cups of rice and allow to cook for three to four minutes. Then pour out and wash thoroughly with clean water then set aside in a bowl or plastic sieve as you will always see in my videos

How to Make Nigerian jollof Rice.

You might want to pick out the parboiled tasty chicken and deep fry , this wouldn’t take more than 10 minutes.

Then remove some of the oil if it is above 150ml (half cup), just so you don’t end up with lots of oil at the bottom of your pot. I like to commence cooking jollof rice with the same oil I used in frying the chicken, Using a fresh oil is just the same as cooking without the chicken stock (meat water) which actually hold over 70 percent of the ingredient that is used in making most Nigerian foods, you will end up with a tasteless meal.

Add sliced onions to the hot oil and then the ground tomatoes/pepper after about a minute. Fry until the tomatoes looses its sour taste due to frying, this should take about 10-15 minutes. I like to divide the tomatoes after frying, then continue cooking with half and add the other half later.

This is s trick that helps reduce burning, most jollof rice end up getting burned at the bottom of the pot
So scoop some of the fried tomato into a plate and set aside; then commence cooking with the remaining one in the pot, add the meat stock (meat water), then about 1 or 2 cups of water, (you can add a little more water later), add a cube of maggi or knorr, a teaspoon of thyme, curry, ground nutmeg and salt to taste.

Stir and taste the whole solution.

Spice to your taste with your desired flavors and spices, then add the rice and cover to cook.

You can add the other half of the fried tomatoes after cooking for ten to fifteen minutes, also slice onions and spray on the top (I like to use lots of onions in Nigerian jollof rice), this has its health benefits.
Then just cook till the rice is soft for consumption, Remember that you can add water occasionally. Then you can drop the fried meat at the top and cover in the last five minutes.

This is just how to make jollof rice, you can serve with the fried meat and maybe a bottle of your favorite drink