Wednesday 2 September 2015


Gizdo – Gizzard and Dodo

1 ripe Plantain
1/2 a pound of Gizzard
2 Scotch Bonnet Pepper ( Ata Rodo)
1/2  cube of Maggi
1 Medium sized Tomato
1/2 cooking spoon vegetable oil
1/2  clove of garlic
1 small bulb of onion
1/2  red bell pepper
1.5 teaspoon of salt
1 cup of water
2 spoons of vegetable oil – for frying

Wash the gizzard and season with 1 teaspoon of salt, one large scotch bonnet pepper, 1/2 the bulb of small onion and boil with 1 cup of water for 15 minutes on medium heat.
Peel and dice the ripe plantain, season with salt and fry.
Chop the rest of the onions, the tomato, the scotch bonnet pepper, red bell pepper and garlic

Chopped Tomatoes, peppers and onion

Heat up the vegetable oil and  fry the Chopped onions, the tomato, the scotch bonnet pepper, red bell pepper and garlic
Season with the rest of the salt maggi and stir in the gizzard.

Frying on Medium heat

Add the fried plantain and stir in and leave to simmer for 5 minutes.

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