Tuesday 4 November 2014



1 slice firm white bread broken in
  1shallot, quartered 
 1 clove garlic,
 14 ounce jumbo mushroom, cleaned,
6 ounce grounded sausage,
 ½ teaspoon dry mustard,
 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce,
 1-2 table spoon margarine or butter,
 ½ cup freshly grated parmesan cheese. 



1-    If you have a multipurpose blender you can use it, add the bread piece and blend until finely crumbled

About 3-5 second, and set aside. Blend shallot and garlic until they are finely chopped, may be 6 seconds.

 2-    Remove stem from your mushroom keep the stem in a separate bowl and set aside, you will still need them.  Put in the mushroom in your food processor until finely chopped
In a large sauce pan on medium heat, cook your sausage until they change their original color from pink, drain well

3-    Add the shallot, garlic and mushroom stem in a sauce pan and cook for some 4-6 minutes, but be sure your vegetable are just tender enough.
4-    Add your sausage mixture to a clean bowl, add bread crumbs, dry mustard and Worcestershire sauce to the bowl, use a wooden spatula to work on it inside the bowl until they are thoroughly mixed, it should not take your 4 minutes at most 5
5-    With your skillet over a medium heat, melt your margarine, and add your mushroom caps, cook for 1-2 minutes on each side until they are soft slightly.
 6-    Finally, don’t grease your cookie sheets, fill it with your sausage mixture, sprinkled with parmesan cheese. Baked under 340 degree F, JUST FOR 8-10 minutes, if you oven got light, until it bubble and piping hot-     you are good to go- EATING TIME.



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